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Basic Workflows




B. Basic Workflows


There are many possible ways to use QuakeManager, but the following are some of the typical ways users might use it:


B.1 Search Record Metadata

The user searches the ground motion database for records that match certain criteria. For example, the user might search the database for all records that have a Moment Magnitude (Mw) between 6.5 and 7.0, and distance from fault rupture (dRup) between 10 and 25 km. The search is typically done using the "Search Panel" or by filtering, sorting and grouping records in the "Records" view pane.


B.2 Select Individual Records based on Spectral Shape

In addition to filtering by metadata fields, the "Search Panel" can be used to rank records by how well their spectra match the spectral shape of a target design spectrum. This can be used to perform seed motions or initial filtering for further selection or spectral matching and modification, or used for final selection.


B.3 Select Suite of Records based on Spectral Shape

One unique capability of QuakeManager is the selection of optimal suites of ground motions that satisfy multiple conditions and constraints. The "GM Suite Selection" tool can evaluate millions of possible solutions in order to select the best ground motion record suites (consisting of selected ground motion records and corresponding scale factors) given those constraints and conditions. The user can control the spectral shape of the spectrum to satisfy code requirements, the level of dispersion in the suite, the number and period of pulse records, as well multiple other criteria. This gives the user ultimate control over the results of the selection.


B.4 Spectral Matching of Ground Motions

Spectral Matching is an other unique and practical feature in QuakeManager. Spectral Matching in QuakeManager can help users in controlling dispersions of spectral accelerations between records at both scaling and modification steps, minimize modification of the generated ground motions, minimize the amplification of higher mode. Users have the advantage of  maintaining the dynamic characteristics of individual records and thus preserving the advantages of amplitude scaling. All these features serves important roles in the satisfying and meeting the code requirements.


B.5 Easy Creation of Ground Motion Databases

QuakeManager makes it very easy for users to create their own custom ground motion databases, with extreme ease and speed. Records can be imported using simple "Drag and Drop" or via "Metadata Import from CSV file". The database is "Self-Building" in that QuakeManager automatically computes all spectra and intensity measures for all records. These database are immediately searchable.


B.6 Custom Workflows

Due to its flexible design, QuakeManager makes it very easy for users to create their own custom workflows.




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