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Design Spectra




Design response spectra can be defined and used as Target Response Spectra for several operations within QuakeManager including selection and scaling and spectral matching of ground motions.


Two types of design spectra can be defined in Quakemanager:


1.Code Design Spectrum: Code-compliant spectrum is defined using several parameters including Ss, S1, TL, and soil class, and is typically used in codes derived from or adopting ASCE 7 standard documents, ASCE 41, International Building Code (IBC), California Building Code (CBC), or American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). This spectrum has an idealized simple form but is widely used in the US and other countries. QuakeManager support automatically importing/downloading the spectral parameters from USGS.

2.User-defined Spectrum: When the design spectrum is computed using a site-specific study or other custom modifications, its shape usually no longer fits the standard ASCE 7 spectrum shape. In these cases, the user-defined spectrum can be used, which allows the design spectral values to be defined for each period independently.


Design spectra are used while performing ground motion search and ranking by spectral shape. They are also used when performing ground motion selection and scaling or spectral matching for suites of records or individual records.




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