After the spectral matching analysis is complete, QuakeManager produced a window report that summarized the main inputs and error measures for each record at each matching step. Results can be reported at each matching step or at the last matching step.
The report includes mutliple columns as follows:
•Record Title: show the title of each record
•Step #: show the matching step
•Average Misfit Error %: average discrepency between the target and the resulting spectrum
•Maximum Misfit Error %: maximum discrepency between the target and the resulting spectrum
•Unmatched Average Misfit Error %: unmatched average discrepency between the target and the resulting spectrum
•Unmatched Maximum Misfit Error %: unmatched maximum discrepency between the target and the resulting spectrum
•Number of padding points: show the number of added point at the beginning of the record
•Iterations: number of iteration required to reach convergence. Note that sometimes the maximum number of iterations defined in reached without reaching convergence.
•Baseline Correction: Yes/No. This column shows if the record required baseline correction or no.
•Component Number: show the matched component number of the record.
•Frequency Count: show the frequency count
•Min Frequency: indicates the minimum frequency at which matching starts
•Max Frequency: indicates the maximum frequency at which matching ends