After performing ground motion operation(s) (selection, spectral matching, site response analysis), QuakeManager enables the users to compare original records with the modified records (after operation). This capability extends to comparing component time histores, various triplet resultant spectra (SRSS, Geomean, RotD100, RotD50, RotD00, MaxH1_H2, MinH1_H2, Components and FN/FP) and pulse records.
Figures below show the time history and spectra chart ribbons. Also, figures below present the original and modified charts for the AVD, Arias, tight/mean component spectra, bidirectional spectra and pulse spectra.
Figure: Time History chart ribbon
Figure: Spectra chart ribbon
Figure: Original and modified (matched) WVC000 Acceleration-Velocity-Displacement (AVD)
Figure: Original and modified (matched) WVC000 Arias
Figure: Original and modified (matched) WVC record where WVC_orig is the original record, WVC_TM is the tighly matched record and WVC_MM is the mean matched record
Figure: Original and modified (matched) WVC pulse record where WVC_orig is the original record, WVC_TM is the tighly matched pulse record and WVC_MM is the pulse mean matched record
Figure: WVC components (Component 1 and 2) targets for the tight matching case
Figure: WVC components (Component 1 and 2) targets for the mean matching case
Preserve H1/H2 Ratio
The figures below shows an example for the spectral with "Preserve H1/H2 ratio" option enabled. A tight spectral matching is perfomed on a suite of records and "TCU101" record was selected for this example. The ratio of component 1 to component 2 at a specific period (0.24s in this case) was calculated and compared to the ratio of component 1 to component 2 at the same period (0.24s) after tight spectral matching. QuakeManager have of the capability of preserving the H1/H2 ratio after spectral matching for the user who require it. The first figure represents the original records (selected records) with H1/H2=1.75@0.24s. The second figure shows the tight spectrally matched records with "Preserve H1/H2 ratio" enabled in the options; the results indicated that the H1/H2 was maintained as the ratio was identical to the original. The third figure shows the H1/H2 ratio without the preserve ratio, where the resulting ratio is 1.09 at the same period as before (0.24s).
Figure: Ratio (H1/H2) of component spectra for TCU101 record before spectral matching
Figure: Ratio (H1/H2) of component spectra for TCU101 record after spectral matching with "Preserve H1/H2 ratio" option enabled
Figure: Ratio (H1/H2) of component spectra for TCU101 record after spectral matching with "Preserve H1/H2 ratio" option disabled