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Charts Context-Menu




Charts Context-Menu


The context-menu can be displayed by right-clicking on the chart. While most important chart setttings are accessible through the ribbon, the context-menu provides access to some specialized chart settings that may not be available through the ribbon:


Toolbar: Show/hide the chart toolbar. Showing toolbar allows users to perform multiple operations including saving and loading charts, copy chart to clipboard, switching chart to 2D/3D, modify axes settings, etc.

Data Editor: Show and edit the data of the chart

Legend Box: Show/hide chart legend

Gallery: Change the chart type

Color: Change color of the chart background

Edit Title: Add/edit title of the chart

Point Labels: Add the data labels on the charts

Font: Modify the text font of X and Y axes

Properties: Show and modify all the properties of the chart. This can be used, for example, to specify custom axis limits and modify the series properties such as line thickness.



Figure: Chart Context-Menu with Data Editor


Figure: Chart Toolbar


Figure: Chart Properties




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