Charts Context-Menu
The context-menu can be displayed by right-clicking on the chart. While most important chart setttings are accessible through the ribbon, the context-menu provides access to some specialized chart settings that may not be available through the ribbon:
•Toolbar: Show/hide the chart toolbar. Showing toolbar allows users to perform multiple operations including saving and loading charts, copy chart to clipboard, switching chart to 2D/3D, modify axes settings, etc.
•Data Editor: Show and edit the data of the chart
•Legend Box: Show/hide chart legend
•Gallery: Change the chart type
•Color: Change color of the chart background
•Edit Title: Add/edit title of the chart
•Point Labels: Add the data labels on the charts
•Font: Modify the text font of X and Y axes
•Properties: Show and modify all the properties of the chart. This can be used, for example, to specify custom axis limits and modify the series properties such as line thickness. The user can change the X and Y-axis limits by right-clicking on the desired axis -> properties -> X axis or Y axis -> adjust maximum and minimum.
Figure: Chart Context-Menu with Data Editor
Figure: Chart Toolbar
Figure: Chart General Properties
Figure: Chart Series Properties
Figure: Chart X Axis Properties