Users can access the QuakeManager Column View Customization by right-clicking on any field in the header.
Show/Hide columns (fields). Up to 147 different fields can be shown.
Arrange By
Arrange the columns by a specific field. QuakeManager will arrange either from A to Z or in the increasing numbers based in the type of the field selected.
Sort Ascending
Right Click on a specific column to sort in the ascending order.
Sort Descending
Right Click on a specific column to sort in the descending order.
No Sort
Cancel sorting.
Group by this Field
Select the column of interest to group by (See Example in figure below).
Group by Box
Show/Hide field grouping box.
Remove column
Select specific column(s) to remove.
Filter Results
Quick filtering tool, which shows all records containing certain input characters. For example, if users type a letter(s) or number(s), QuakeManager will show all possible records that contain the user-input text.
Field Chooser
A pop-out window to let users select a field and drag it to the header or grouping box.
Align Text/Icons right, center or left.
Best Fit
Let QuakeManager decides the optimal fit widths of the columns.
Figure: Group by this field
Figure: Screenshot showing the Records View pane with the "Field Chooser", which can be shown by right-clicking on one of the columns and choosing "Field Chooser".
Figure: Screenshot showing the Records View pane Grouped By Event name. It is possible to Expand or Collapse Events and Triplets to show only the desired records.
Figure: Showing the Filter Results quick filtering tool, which shows all records containing certain characters. In this case, all records with the characters "up" are shown.