The QuakeManager main menu (accessible from the top-left corner of the program) can be used to access the following commands:
New Project
Create a new project. Alternatively, users can click Ctrl+N to create a new project. Users may select this option to create a blank project.
New Sample Project
Users can create a sample project. The QuakeManager sample project is a full example in which various project objects are defined. This sample project will guide users through several example analyses.
Open Projects
Open a previously saved project. Alternatively, users can click Ctrl+O to open a project.
Save the project to disk for later recovery. The open/save capability allows users to save their work and continue working on it later, and also serves as a backup of the project and all its settings for archival purposes.
Save As
Save the project in a different file name and/or folder location.
Print Preview
Preview the record view pane before printing.
Print Setup
Configure the page and setup before proceeding in printing.
Recent Projects
Users may use the Recent Projects options to view and open the recently opened/saved projects in QuakeManager.
View the current QuakeManager version, license number, type and expiration date. Users may use this option when they want to deactivate the license on the current machine or switch to a different license (for example, switch from trial to permanent license).
Exit QuakeManager.
The file format is a readable xml text format, and the file extension is (.qml). The advantage of this format, as compared to a binary format, is that the file can be read using any text editor, which allows a way for the user to perform quality assurance and verify all the input that is being used inside QuakeManager.
While readability was an important factor in choosing the xml text format, the file format is generally not intended for manual editing. However, in some cases, some editing of the qml file might be suitable.