QuakeManager offers a Generic Column File Format with flexible formatting for general purpose use. This file format represents acceleration data series.
The data unit can be represented in two ways:
1. One of the 2 header lines should contain the data unit and should be proceeded by : “units of”
“unit of”
2. Provide the unit directly inside parenthesis after the name of the first record only (e.g. the unit "G" is placed next to "Vanc084ew3" only and not next to the remaining records). In case the unit was not provided, QuakeManager will take the "G" as the default unit for the file.
Note that the two headers are not mandatory. However, the Time(s) and the name of the record (e.g. Vanc084ew3) in the header line are mandatory in the file. The user must also notes that the name of the record cannot contain parenthesis or spaces.
Since this file format is a column format, so data series should be read vertically and each data series is represented by a column. The file is composed of columns, and each file should contain a title for each column, proceeded by a column for time. Note that columns can be separated using spaces, commas or tabs or combination of all the three characters.
The first column is for time defined by the “Time(s)” with seconds unit. The following columns is for data series.
Below is an example illustrating a generic file format. The first header contains the record name, and the second header contains the unit of the file. The third header contain the time column and the record columns with their units. Note that the unit is provided only for the first record. Also, note that the first two headers are not required.
Figure: Generic File Format