After clicking the "Calculate Pulse" button, the results will appear in the view. The pulse columns are the following:
•is_pulse: "Yes" represents a pulse-like records and "No" indicates the record is not a pulse
•pulse_score: reports pulse score
•Tp: reports the pulse period
•wavelet_name: name of the wavelet used to determine pulse parameters
•pulse_indicator: reports the pulse indicator
•PGV: peak ground velocity of the pulse-like record
•PGV_resid: peak ground velocity of the residual pulse-like record
•PulseAngle: reports the pulse angle
•PulseAz: reports the pulse azimuth
•Late: late is another criteria to reject records whose pulse score is positive since the pulse caused by directivity effects arrive early in the time-history
•Wavelet_coeff: report the wavelet coefficient