The ground motion database can store a large number of records. Two types of records are distinguished: Component Records and Triplet Records.
The properties of each record in the database can be defined using a large number of stored parameters (also called metadata fields). Nearly 200 fields are currently supported, including a large number of automatically computed intensity measures, representing various types of information defining the record's. The metadata is generally organized under the following categories:
1.Component or Triplet data
2.General Attributes
3.Pulse attributes
4.Selection Properties
5.File & URL information
6.Event data
7.Station data
8.EventToStation parameters (distances)
9.Sensor data
10.Array data
11.Processing information
12.Raw Series information
13.Data Series information
14.Intensity Measure (IM) values
In the above list, the keywords in bold represent the major categories of supported metadata fields. They can be thought of groups of fields that describe a certain aspect of the record.
When a record is selected, its metadata fields are shown in the Record Properties Pane (shown on the right), which can be used to browse, copy and modify metadata for ground motion records (components or triplets).
In order to get more information about the a field, the user can click on the field which will display a description of the field at the bottom of the Record Properties pane.
Figure: Record Metadata