The Rescale Records tool allows users to easily rescale records using several different available options:
Replace with new Scale Factor
This will replace the existing scale factor of all selected records with a new specified scale factor. This feature also allows to switch sign of time histories, i.e. users can set negative scale factors.
Multiply All Scale Factors By:
Multiply the scale factors of all selected records by the same factor.
Calculate Optimal Scale Factor
This feature calculates the optimal scale factors for each record individually. Note that these scale factors may be different than the optimal scale factors calculated for the whole suite in the "GM Suite Selection" tool which considers the target mean and dispersion.
Round Scale Factors to a Decimal Point
Allows rounding final scale factor to a certain number of decimal figures (typically 2).
Apply Scale Factor to Triplet's Components
An option which causes the scale factor of a selected triplet to be also applied to the Triplet's Components (COMP1, COMP2 and COMP3)