Navigation: Tools > Rotate and Scale >

Advanced Options




The Advanced Options section provides additional options to adjust the rotation and scaling parameters of the selected records. While the default advanced options are usually sufficient, in some cases, the user may want to modify them.



New File Name & Disk Location

New Acceleration Record File Name:

Let QuakeManager decide: QuakeManager will take action and generate the new file name.

Use same file name as original: The new record file name will be exactly the same as the original one. Note: Do not use this option with "Keep new records with original records" in order to avoid overwriting the original record files!


New Record File Location

Use same location file as original: the rotated record will be saved in the same folder as the original record

Select a new disk folder: users may specify the new records folder location on the disk

Use "Disk Path" of Target Container (Collection or Record Suite):

Create missing folders in the path: If checked, the folder will be created if it does not already exist

Ignore "FolderDisk" variable: If checked, the FolderDisk metadata variable in the original record will be ignored when assembling the target folder location


Overwrite if filename exists? users may select one of the listed options below:


Yes, but never overwrite original files

Yes, Always


Modify File and Record Names

Append text to filenames: users can click the empty box to add a specific text to be appended to the end of the filename of the output record files for the following:

H1: Horizontal Direction 1

H2: Horizontal Direction 2

V: Vertical Direction


Append text to record titles: users can click the empty box to add a specific text to be appended to the end of the generated record title in the suite or collection for the following:

H1: Horizontal Direction 1

H2: Horizontal Direction 2

V: Vertical Direction


H1/H2 Component Orientation

When the second or the last option ("Rotate All Records by Angle (Clockwise)" or "Rotate H1 Component to Azimuth") is assigned  in the Basic Options, users may select attributes presented in parts A1, A2, A3 and A4 below. In case one of options, "Rotate H1 to Fp", "Rotate H1 to Fn" or "Rotate H1 to Fn + Angle (Clockwise)", presented in Rotate Records feature, users may select one of the options in each part of A3, B1 and B2.

A1 - Default H1/H2 Component Relative Angle Definition

Preserve H1/H2 relative angle (skip if need and not defined): The record will be skipped (not rotated)  the H1/H2 relative angle is needed but missing from the metadata. This option preserves the original relative angle between Horizontal Direction 1 and Horizontal Direction 2.

Preserve H1/H2 relative angle (use alternate if not defined): Same as before, but if the original H1/H2 relative angle is missing, the alternate angle definition in A2 is used.

Always use alternate H1/H2 alternate orientation (below): In all cases (whether relative angle if available or missing), the alternate angle definition in A2 is used.


A2 - H1/H2 Alternate Component Orientation (when required in A1)

H2 is 90 degrees counter-clockwise from H1

H2 is 90 degrees clockwise from H1


A3 - If H1 & H2 Azimuths (H1Az & H2Az) is required but missing:

Skip Record: users may have to skip the selected record if the horizontal direction Azimuth was missing

Assume Following Azimuths: users may explicitly define values for  H1 Az and H2 Az

H1/H2 Relative Angle (After Rotation) OR Fn/Fp Component Orientation

A4 - H1/H2 Relative Angle (After Rotation)

Preserve H1/H2 relative angle

H2 is 90 degrees counter-clockwise from H1

H2 is 90 degrees clockwise from H1



B1 - When Fn/Fp orientation (i.e. FpAz) is required but not defined: select one of the listed items presented below.

Skip Record: The record is skipped (not rotated)

Assume Fn is aligned with H1: Assume fault normal is aligned with the horizontal direction 1

Assume Fn is aligned with H2:  Assume fault normal is aligned with the horizontal direction 2

Assume Fn is at angle from H1 (Clockwise): Assume fault normal is at a user-defined clockwise angle from horizontal direction 1

Assume Fn is oriented along Azimuth: Assume fault normal is oriented along a user-defined Azimuth.


B2 - Fn/Fp Component Angle Definition

Fp is 90 degrees counter-clockwise from Fn

Fp is 90 degrees clockwise from Fn




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