When the second or the last option ("Rotate All Records by Angle (Clockwise)" or "Rotate H1 Component to Azimuth") is assigned in the Basic Options, users may select attributes presented in parts A1, A2, A3 and A4 below. In case one of options, "Rotate H1 to Fp", "Rotate H1 to Fn" or "Rotate H1 to Fn + Angle (Clockwise)", presented in Rotate Records feature, users may select one of the options in each part of A3, B1 and B2.
A1 - Default H1/H2 Component Relative Angle Definition
•Preserve H1/H2 relative angle (skip if need and not defined): The record will be skipped (not rotated) the H1/H2 relative angle is needed but missing from the metadata. This option preserves the original relative angle between Horizontal Direction 1 and Horizontal Direction 2.
•Preserve H1/H2 relative angle (use alternate if not defined): Same as before, but if the original H1/H2 relative angle is missing, the alternate angle definition in A2 is used.
•Always use alternate H1/H2 alternate orientation (below): In all cases (whether relative angle if available or missing), the alternate angle definition in A2 is used.
A2 - H1/H2 Alternate Component Orientation (when required in A1)
•H2 is 90 degrees counter-clockwise from H1
•H2 is 90 degrees clockwise from H1
A3 - If H1 & H2 Azimuths (H1Az & H2Az) is required but missing:
•Skip Record: users may have to skip the selected record if the horizontal direction Azimuth was missing
•Assume Following Azimuths: users may explicitly define values for H1 Az and H2 Az