The RSP Match type 1 headers for acceleration files (*.acc) consist always 5 lines.
Line 1: All RSP Match type 1 record should start with “Time history matched to spectrum:” followed by any information useful for the user. Usually, it is the name of the file.
Line 2: since this file is generated after performing spectral matching on some data, there will be misfit which is provided by this line. An example of this line would be: “#Misfit: 0.138563”
Line 3: provide the type of the data (Acceleration, Velocity, Displacement) along with the unit used for the data. Example: “File Type: Accelerations (g)”
Line 4: provides information about file identifier. “#Indentifier: Final (Baseline Corrected)”
Line 5: provides the number of acceleration points followed by the time step with the unit separated by comma. Example: “NPTS = 29999 , DT = 0.01 SEC”
Each file contains one time series. One column is to be provided. The data is fully processed for engineering applications so the user has nothing to do but to read it. All the components for a given event and station are aligned in time (no need for a start time) and have the same number of points and duration.