SAC Steel File Format
QuakeManager supports reading the SAC Steel file format. This file format represents acceleration data series.
SAC file format contains 2 header lines. Many variations happened to these lines.
The 2 header lines comes as follow:
Line 1 Type 1:
•Station Code
•Channel Orientation
•Earthquake Name
•Earthquake date
•Earthquake time zone (optional)
•Station Processing (optional)
•Station Name
An example of this line: “rrs fn Northridge,17 Jan 94,04:31PST; Rinaldi Receiving Station FF”
Line 1 Type 2:
Start with “Time history matched to spectrum” followed by the Match spectrum
Example: “Time history matched to spectrum: Sclrel_output/kobj.h.freq.tgt”
Line 2 starts with the number of acceleration data followed by the time step followed by the filer values.
An example of line 2 would be: “3000 2.00000E-02 0 0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.”
The default unit for the acceleration data is cm/s2 and the default unit of time step is sec unless specified after each of their corresponding values.
Each file contains one time series. The data is to be read horizontally, line by line. There could be one column or multiple columns. Also, number of data could differ between lines. The data is fully processed for engineering applications so the user has nothing to do but to read it. All the components for a given event and station are aligned in time (no need for a start time) and have the same number of points and duration.