QuakeManager offers a tool for searching, filtering and selecting seed records using the Search Panel. Search Panel enable users to manually select as-recorded ground motions that could later be scaled, matched, modified and/or rotated.
QuakeManager provides users a wide range of filtering criteria in which can be defined, and the Search Panel will query and report all records that satisfy these criteria.
The panel consists of eight main filtering sections:
1.General Search criteria
2.Event Properties
3.Station Properties
4.Processing Properties
5.IM - Intensity Measures
6.IM - Period and Duration
7.IM - Statistics and Correlation
8.Match to Target Spectrum
To search records, the user should define all desirable filter options, expand the General Search Criteria and click "Search". The "Clear All" button clears all currently filters.
Note that it is possible to enter wildcard characters in text boxes. For example, when search in the event name, entering "N*" will return all records whose event name starts with the letter 'N'.
General Search Criteria
Collection: select the source Library Collection from which to select records.
Title: type the record title.
Event Name: type the event name
Magnitude: select the Magnitude range and type (Mw, MS, ML, M_Other, Any)
Distance (km): set the Distance range and type (dEpi, dHypo, dRup, dSurf, dSeism, dRMS, Any)
RSN(s): input the RSN(s) of each record
Type: select the resulting record as Component or Triplet
FN/FP?: select if the records can be rotated to FN/FP
Is Pulse?: check if the records can be pulse records or no
Also Include: include or exclude child components with triplet records
Show: show all records, or all records except excluded ones or only the excluded ones
Event Properties
Mechanism: select the faulting mechanism of the ground motion as: Strike-Slip, Reverse-Oblique, Reverse, Normal-Oblique, Normal. Users may also set the mechanism as undefined or any of the listed before.
Regime: set the desirable source regime as Active Tectonic, Active Tectonic or Subduction.
Date: set a specific date or a range of dates in which ground motions were recorded
Epicenter Location: users can specify the epicenter location of the earthquake either by defining the range of the Latitude and Longitude or by specifying the distance range from the desired site having a unique Latitude and Longitude.
Depth: set the minimum and maximum depth range in kilometers.
Station Properties
Station Name: type the station name in which the earthquake was recorded
NEHRP Soil Type: Specify the NEHRP soil type (A, B, C, D, E, F or any of them)
Vs30 (m/s): specify the range of the shear wave velocity in m/s
Structure: set the type of the structure at which the earthquake was recorded. The structure may be the ground, building, bridge, dam, geotechnical array or any of them)
Station Location: users can specify the Station location either by defining the range of the Latitude and Longitude or by specifying the distance range from the desired site having a unique Latitude and Longitude.
Elevation (km): define the elevation of the station in kilometers
Processing Properties
FreqHP (Hz): specify the range of the high pass frequency
FreqLP (Hz): specify the range of the low pass frequency
FreqLU (Hz): specify the range of the lowest usable frequency
IM - Intensity Measures
PGA: specify the range of the peak ground acceleration in g units
PGV: specify the range of the peak ground velocity in cm/s
PGD: specify the range of the peak ground displacement in cm
EPA: specify the range of the effective peak acceleration in g units
EPV: specify the range of the effective peak velocity in cm/s
EPD: specify the range of the effective peak displacement in cm
SPA: specify the range of the sustained peak acceleration in g units
SPV: specify the range of the sustained peak velocity in cm/s
RMSa (G): specify the range of the root mean square acceleration in g units
IV: specify the range of the incremental velocity in cm/s
ID: specify the range of the incremental displacement in cm
CAV: specify the range of the cumulative absolute velocity in cm/s
CAV5: specify the range of the cumulative absolute velocity for acceleration less than 5 cm/s/s
CAVstd: specify the range of the standardized cumulative absolute velocity (EPRI) acceleration
CAD: specify the range of the cumulative absolute displacement in cm
Arias: specify the range of the Arias intensity in cm/s
IM - Period and Duration
Duration: specify the range of the recorded duration of the earthquake in seconds
Db5PcG: specify the range of the bracketed duration of record over 5%g in seconds
Du5PcG: specify the range of the bracketed uniform of record over 5%g in seconds
Dur Arias 5-95: specify the range of the Arias duration (5-95%) in seconds
Dur Arias 5-75: specify the range of the Arias duration (5-75%) in seconds
Tp: specify the range of the predominant period in seconds
Tc: specify the range of the corner period in seconds
Tm: specify the range of the mean period in seconds
Pulse Score: specify the range of the pulse score (between 0 and 1). High scores (>0.85) indicate the record likely has a pulse.
Tpulse: specify the range of the pulse period in seconds
IM - Statistic & Correlation
XCorr12: specify the range of the Cross-Correlation of Acceleration Components 1 & 2
XCorr13: specify the range of the Cross-Correlation of Acceleration Components 1 & 3
XCorr23: specify the range of the Cross-Correlation of Acceleration Components 2 & 3
XCorrMax: specify the range of the Max Cross-Correlation of Acceleration Components 1, 2 & 3
PGV/PGA: specify the range of the of the ratio PGV to PGA
PGD/PGA: specify the range of the of the ratio PGD to PGA
PGA*PGD/PGV^2: specify the range of the of the ratio (PGA*PGD) to PGV2
Match to Target Spectrum
Target Spectrum: set one of the pre-defined spectra as the target spectrum to match. Users may also select a none target.
Fitting Criteria: click to defined the fitting criteria
Resultant: select the desirable bidirectional type as one of the following: Geomean, SRSS, RotD100, RotD50, RotD00, H1 Comp, H2 Comp, V Comp, FN Comp or FP Comp
The Ground Motion Search Panel is HIDDEN (docked to the right side) by default.
In order to show it, click on the Tab titled "Search & Select" near the top-right side of the screen (just below the ribbon), as shown in the image below.
Once shown, the Search Panel will look similar to the right image shown below.
By default, the Search Panel will Autohide (Autodock) when it loses focus. It is possible to make it permanently visible by clicking on the pin near the top right corner of the panel. It can be reset to Autohide mode by clicking on the pin again (unpinning).
Figure: Search Panel
Figure: GM Search Example
The following shows the searchable fields that the user can use to filter records.
Figure: General Search Criteria
Figure: Event Properties
Figure: Station Properties
Figure: Processing Properties
Figure: IM - Intensity Measures
Figure: IM - Period & Duration
Figure: IM - Statistic & Correlation
Figure: Match to Target Spectrum