The QuakeSim module allows the user to generate synthetic near-fault bidirectional ground motion records including records with pulses.
The module implements the algorithm by Dabaghi and Der Kerurghian [32] which uses stochastic models of pulse‐like and nonpulse‐like near‐fault ground motions that are formulated in terms of physically meaningful parameters such as earthquake source and site characteristics (type of faulting, earthquake magnitude, depth to top of rupture plane, source‐to‐site distance, site characteristics, and directivity parameters).
For a given earthquake scenario, the probability of occurrence of a directivity pulse is first computed; pulse‐like and non‐pulse‐like motions are then simulated according to the predicted proportions using the empirical predictive models. The resulting time series are realistic and reproduce important features of recorded near‐fault ground motions, including the natural variability. Moreover, the statistics of their elastic response spectra agree with those of the NGA‐West2 dataset, with the additional feature of distinguishing between pulse‐like and non‐pulse‐like cases and between forward and backward directivity scenarios. The synthetic motions can be used in addition to or in place of recorded motions in performance‐based earthquake engineering, particularly when recorded motions are scarce.
Additional information may be obtained from Dabaghi and Der Kerurghian [32].
Number of Simulation
Set the suitable number of simulations. QuakeManager will simulate and generate ground motions equal to the defined value.
Simulation Type
Choose one of the following simulation types:
•Only nonpulselike
•Only pulselike
•Pulselike and nonpulse motion in proportion
A ground motion is classified as nonpulse-like if none its horizontal components is pulselike.
A ground motion is classified as pulse‐like if at least one of its horizontal components is pulselike
A combination of both pulse-like and nonpulse-like.
Define the fault type:
•Reverse or reverse-oblique
Set the earthquake moment magnitude. It takes any value between 5.74 and 7.90 both inclusive.
Define the depth to the top of the rupture plane. Generally, it can have any value 0 and 5.92 both inclusive.
Set the closet distance from the site to the fault rupture. It takes any value between 0.07 and 30.49 inclusive.
Define the shear wave velocity of the top 30 m of soil at the site. It takes any value between 139 and 2016 inclusive.
S or D
Define the directivity parameter S or D. It takes any value between 4.97 and 101.51 inclusive.
Theta or Phi
Define the directivity parameter angle Theta or Phi. It takes any value between 0.1 and 67.4 inclusive.
Truncate: two options:
•Do not truncate synthetic motion.
•Truncate and Base Line Correct synthetic motion.
Output Suite
Choose the output suite in which the resulting records will be stored.
Time Step: by default equals to 0.005.
File Name Prefix
Rename the file name prefix by disselecting the Use Default box.