QuakeManager supports reading SMC File Format with extension .smc.


The strong-motion time series data served out by the NSMP are in one of two formats, SMC or BBF. This documentation describes the SMC-format and compares it to the BBF-format headers.


The SMC format uses ASCII character codes and provides text headers, integer headers, real headers, and comments followed by either digitized time-series coordinates or, in version 2 of the SMC format only, sets of response spectra values. The header information is designed to provide the user with information about the earthquake and the recording instrument. Each SMC-format file contains either a single time series or a set of response spectra or Fourier amplitude spectra of corrected acceleration calculated from a single time series.


Typical analog strong-motion records contain traces corresponding to three orthogonal components of motion and consequently require three separate SMC-format files to represent the record. The BBF-format uses fixed-sized blocks of binary data. The first several blocks in each file are "header" blocks that contain auxiliary information about the time series samples contained in the remaining "data" blocks. Each file has a minimum of two header blocks, the first of which contains 256 integer values and the second of which contains 128 real values. The time-series samples stored in the data blocks may be in either integer or real format.




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