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Spectral Matching




The spectral matching dialog is the main tool for performing spectral matching. Despite its simplicity, it offers a large number of possibilities for spectrally matching records. For example, it can match individual components as well as pairs and triplets of records. And it can be used to directly match record resultants such as SRSS, Geomean, RotD50, RotD100 & RotD00, and can match all 3 components of a record including the vertical component.




Record Suffix

Add a suffix to the matched record name.

Match Type

In the Match Type section, the user selects several options that define the main parameters of the spectral matching process as follows:


Match: Components, Bidirectional (H1 + H2) or 3-Components (H1 + H2 + V)

Bidir Type: Geomean, SRSS, H1 & H2, RotD50 (approximate), RotD100 (approximate), RotD100, and RotD100 & RotD00.

Preserve H1/H2 ratio: Displayed in case Geomean, SRSS RotD50 (approximate) or RotD100 (approximate) Bidir Types are selected. When this feature is selected, the ratio of H1 component to H2 component spectra are preserved after spectral matching. Examples are provided in the Match Type section.

Matching Method: Tight, Mean, Mean + StdDev or Mean + LogSigma

Suite Dispersion: Can be set only when the "Mean + Dispersion" Matching Type is selected. QuakeManager will match the suite dispersion based on the selected option (= dispersion, ≥ dispersion or ≤ dispersion). Available types of dispersion are standard deviation and log sigma.

Matching Criteria

Selecting the Target Spectrum should be one of the following:


Horizontal Target: Select the target spectrum to match for horizontal components. The target could be a code-based spectrum (IBC Spectrum) or user-defined one.

Vertical Target: Ability to match the vertical spectrum. This option is displayed only in case users selected the 3-Components Bidirectional (Bidir) Type.


In case of multiple matching targets - QuakeManager supports defining up to three matching criteria - the user may define the same or different matching criteria for all targets.


Keep intermediate steps: keep matched records at each step. Keeping intermediate steps will help the user in monitoring and debugging the convergence of matched records at each matching step.

Input/Output Suites

Set a specific input suite and another output suite.

Input Suite: suite consisting of records to undergo spectral matching

Output Suite: resulting suite post spectral matching in which resulting records will be stored

Run & Results

Report: view the matching report after matching is completed

Run: run spectral matching

Apply: apply changes if any

Close: close the spectral matching dialog




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