One of QuakeManager's helpful features is that it allows users to browse, search, create, share and manage ground motion databases.
Available Ground Motion Data
QuakeManager comes with pre-loaded and fully-searchable ground motion databases including the NGA-West2 Database (metadata), NGA Subduction Database (metadata) and the SAC Steel Ground Motion Set.
Quakemanager allows users to add additional data, which can be obtained from multiple sources including:
1.Online ground motion databases
2.Published sets of ground motions
3.Simulated, user-generated, or proprietary ground motion records
Types of Ground Motion "Data": A Unified Approach
Working with ground motion records can be difficult and cumbersome for multiple reasons. One of the difficulties of working with ground motions is that their data is complex and multi-faceted, including:
1.Record metadata, which includes all the information about how, when, where and why the record was recorded (event, station, time, place, timestep, etc.). There could hundreds of metadata field values for each record that need to be saved, browsed, searched and imported from and to files and databases.
2.The record file or storage medium, this is usually a file on disk, but it could be located on a network or on the internet (http or ftp).
3.The data series (or time history) recorded data, which includes acceleration, velocity, and/or displacement. This represents the bulk of the recorded data, and is extremely valuable for engineering and seismological analysis.
4.Response spectra (Sa, Sv, Sd, PSa, PSv, etc), which are needed to perform useful engineering search, scaling, matching and other operations using the records.
5.Other Spectral Measures, such as FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), PSD (Power Spectral Density), and other measures of the record's frequency and energy content.
6.Intensity Measures, which includes numerous examples of intensity measures and indices intended to provide simple representations of the record's damaging or shaking potential.
QuakeManager is the first and only software that simultaneously addresses all of the above representations of ground motion records, in a seamlessly integrated and elegantly designed user interface.
The software comes with predefined ground motion databases such as the SAC-Steel strong motion library (including acceleration files) and the NGA West2 and NGA Subduction metadata database (acceleration files to be downloaded separately).
Additionally, the software allows the user to easily create their own ground motion library. This is a unique feature of QuakeManager in that it allows easy creation of ground motion libraries.
Benefits of Customizable Ground Motion Databases
The following are some of the many benefits of being able to create custom databases:
1.Importing existing record databases applicable to a particular country, geographic area, or seismic regime; or for research.
2.Supplementing current databases with new records. For example, a user might choose to add records from a recent earthquake to an existing ground motion database.
3.Archiving of a user's personal ground motion database. QuakeManager provides an ideal environment for users to manage their own records.
4.Storing records from recent events. These records can be used in research, post-earthquake investigation, ground motion selection, etc.
5.Archiving records selected for use in projects. This allows the user to easily go back to the set of records that were used on a particular project.