The Map pane provides the capability to show the locations of selected records and their events on a Google Map. The Map can be shown and hidden using the View Ribbon.
One of the Map pane options is the ability to cluster multiple closely located record markers together into a cluster. The number on the cluster indicates how many markers it contains. When the user zooms into any of the cluster locations, they are unclustered, and the individual markers become visible on the map.
The different pins on the map are clustered with the numbers inside the clusters representing the number of events and stations. The user can zoom in toward the clusters (by using the mouse scroll button) to explore the number of events and stations generated as shown in the figure below.
Note that Zooming out of the map consolidates the markers into clusters again.
•Cluster: Turns the clustering option on/off.
•Records: show/hide record stations
•Events: show/hide record events
•Fit Bounds: zoom out map to fit all markers
Map Data
•Copy Map Image: Copies the map as an image
•Export KML: Export the map to KML format.
Figure: Selected records to be mapped
Figure: Map pane showing the selected ground motion record locations across the world
Figure: Map pane showing the generated clusters, where the numbers inside represent the count of events and stations at each location
Figure: Map pane showing the record and event location markers
Figure: Map pane showing the station markers
Figure: Map pane showing the event markers