The Polar Chart allows the user to plot the bidirectional interaction trace and response envelope of the ground motion. The response is calculated for a particular period of vibration (T) and damping using a two-degree-of-freedom (2DOF) bidirectional system.
Show/hide chart general features:
•Legend: show/hide the chart series legend
•X Log: switch the X-axis scale between Linear and Logarithmic
•Y Log: switch the Y-axis scale between Linear and Logarithmic
•Records: show/hide individual records (components & triplets)
•X Grid: show/hide grids on the X coordinates (parallel to Y-axis)
•Y Grid: show/hide grids on the Y coordinates (parallel to X-axis)
•Norm X-Axis: switch the X-axis normalization on/off (normalizes X-axis such that maximum value is 1.0)
•Norm Y-Axis: switch the Y-axis normalization on/off (normalizes Y-axis such that maximum value is 1.0)
•Freeze X-Axis: freeze X-axis scale to its current range (min,max)
•Freeze X-Axis: freeze Y-axis scale to its current range (min,max)
•2D Trace: Show the 2D Bidirectional trace of Displacement, Velocity or Acceleration response at a given period, T1, and damping
•H1 Dir: Plot the axis of component 1
•H2 Dir: Plot the axis of component 2
•True Azimuth: Plot the record based on its unique azimuth
•Max Dir: show/hide the Maximum-Response Directions
•Min Dir: show/hide the Minimum-Response Directions
•FN Dir: show/hide the FN direction of the selected records. This option can be displayed if True Azimuth is turned on.
•FP Dir: show/hide the FP direction of the selected records. This option can be displayed if True Azimuth is turned on.
•Pulse Dir: show/hide the pulse direction of the selected records. This option can be displayed if the selected records are pulse records with pulse azimuth.
•Show Rot100, Rot50 and Rot0, SRSS, Geomean, and Max(H1,H2) Envelopes
•Polar Envelope: Show the Polar Bidirectional Envelope of the trace
•T1 (s): Plot the polar on a specific duration. The user can select the duration from the drop-down list or can type the a specific duration
•Damping: Select the desirable damping ratio. The user can select the damping ratio from the drop-down list or can type the a specific damping ratio
•Equal Axis: Values of the polar plot on the Disp 1 axis and Disp 2 are set equally if selected
Polar (Expert)
•Symmetric: Response along angles alpha and alpha+180 degrees is taken as the maximum of the two values.
•Type: Response Type: Acceleration, Velocity or Displacement
•T2/T1: Ratio used to define the period of vibration in Direction. The default value for T2/T1 is 1.
Copy Data
•Copy Metadata: copies the record view record data, including header and footers of the data, which makes it easy to create record tables in MS Excel or Word.
•Copy Chart Data: copies the chart series data which can be exported to create tables in MS Excel or Word.
•Copy Chart Image: take a screenshot of the selected chart
The figures below are examples for polar plots. The figures show theQuakeManager's capability in showing the records max/min directions, H1/H2 directions, FN/FP directions and pulse directions in their true and non-true azimuths. The true azimuth assumes that the positive vertical axis is the reference axis, and orienting clockwise is the positive direction. However, in the non-true azimuth case, the positive horizontal axis is the reference axis, and orienting counter-clockwise is the positive direction.
Figure: True and non-true azimuth assumptions
Figure: Symmetric Polar Chart of 65010 record along with Polar Envelope, records trace, and the azimuth of maximum/minimum directions, H1/H2 directions, FN/FP directions and the pulse direction at T1 = 1s (non-true azimuth).
Figure: Symmetric Polar Chart of 65010 record along with Polar Envelope, records trace, and the azimuth of maximum/minimum directions, H1/H2 directions, FN/FP directions and the pulse direction at T1 = 1s (true azimuth).
Figure: Symmetric Polar Chart of 65010 record along with Polar Envelope, records trace, and the azimuth of maximum/minimum directions, H1/H2 directions, FN/FP directions and the pulse direction at record pulse period = 1.4s (true azimuth).
Figure: Symmetric Polar Chart of 65010 record along with Polar Envelope, records trace, and the azimuth of maximum/minimum directions, H1/H2 directions, FN/FP directions and the pulse direction at T1 = 3s (true azimuth).
Figure: Symmetric Polar Chart of CSP record along with Polar Envelope, records trace, and the azimuth of maximum/minimum directions, H1/H2 directions, FN/FP directions at T1 = 1s (true azimuth).
Figure: Unsymmetric Polar Chart of CSP record along with Polar Envelope, records trace, and the azimuth of maximum/minimum directions, H1/H2 directions, FN/FP directions at T1 = 1s (true azimuth).
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Figure: Symmetric Polar Chart of 65010 record along with Polar Envelope, maximum and minimum angles
Figure: Asymmetric Polar Chart of 65010 record along with Polar Envelope, maximum and minimum angles
Figure: H1 and H2 Directions of CSP Record
Figure: H1 and H2 Directions oriented along the azimuth of CSP Record
Figure: FN, FP and pulse Directions of "5294" record
Figure: FN, FP and pulse Directions oriented along the azimuth of "5294" record