The database file in QuakeManager 2.21 is not compatible with 3.00 or later versions.
In case the user is updating/upgrading or uninstalling QuakeManager (moving from 2.21 to 3.00 or later versions), or changing the database file, it is possible to preserve the user-created collections and move them to the new version. Note that this is only needed if the user has created custom collections and versions 2.21 or earlier AND wishes to import them in version 3.00 or later. This can be achieved by following the instructions below:
Open the current version of QuakeManager being used (v2.21 or earlier) or the database file where the custom records exist.
1. Right click on the user-defined collections folder and select “Export Record Metadata to CSV”.
2. Select the export options (see below). Click Export.
3. Once the export is done, open the new version of QuakeManager (version 3 or later) or the new database file where the custom records are needed to be transferred to.
4. Right click on “GM Library” and select “Import Record Metadata to CSV”.
5. Select the csv exported in step 3, use the same values for “Line to Skip” and “Missing Data Code” and change “File Type” to “One Component per Line.”
6. Click Import.