Show/hide chart features:
•Legend: Show/hide the chart series legend
•Records: Show/hide individual selected records from the chart (note that those records are still including when calculating statistics)
•X Log: Switch the X-axis from linear-scale to log-scale
•Y Log: Switch the Y-axis from linear-scale to log-scale
•X Grid: Show/hide the X-axis grid lines (parallel to Y-axis)
•Y Grid: Show/hide the Y-axis grid lines (parallel to X-axis)
•Norm X-Axis: Make the X-axis scale normalized to a maximum value of 1.0 (useful for Arias charts)
•Norm Y-Axis: Make the Y-axis scale normalized to a maximum value of 1.0 (useful for Arias charts)
•Freeze X-Axis: Freeze X-axis limits (min/max) - prevents automatic updating when a different record is selected
•Freeze X-Axis: Freeze Y-axis limits (min/max) - prevents automatic updating when a different record is selected