The example below shows how to easily import records into QuakeManager, combine them into triplets and easily computes spectra including SRSS and RotD100 (Maximum Direction) Spectra.
(Note: Users may can click on the animated image at the bottom to get a larger version using the QuakeManager Web Help)
The attached example below shows the following steps:
1.40 ground motion files from the SAC ground motion library are dragged into an empty collection in the Ground Motion Library.
2.QuakeManager recognizes the files, imports the data series and any recognizable metadata in the header of the file (in this case, the fields recognized are: Title, Event Name, and Station name). For files with larger headers (such as the USGS SMC format), substantially more metadata will be recognized.
3.Once the records are imported, they can be shown in the Records View pane by clicking on the collection. The Records View pane can be used to select records and view their properties and intensity measures in the "Record Properties" pane.
4.When the records are selected, their spectra and intensity measures are automatically computed. The spectra are automatically shown in the charts (at the bottom) for all selected records.
5.Since we imported components, we need to combine them into 2-component or 3-component triplets (e.g. LA21 should go with LA22 and so on)
6.In order to combine the components into triplets
1. Select all components by clicking on the first record, then holding shift and clicking on the last record (or just click Ctrl+A)
2. Right-click on any selected component and select "Create Triplets from Components -> 2 Components per Triplet"
3. Triplets will then be created automatically
7.The triplets and components will be shown in a tree format, such that each component is listed under the triplet it belongs to. It is possible to collapse or expand the tree (using "Collapse All" and "Expand All" buttons on the ribbon, or manually for each individual item).
8.Clicking on one or multiple triplets will show the triplet metadata in the "Record Properties" pane, and will also show its response spectra in the spectra charts.
9.Use the "Chart Ribbon" to customize the chart look (axis log-scale, legend, grids, etc), or to decide which resultant spectra are shown.
10.The default selected resultant spectra for Triplets is the SRSS of the two horizontal components (Square-root of sum-of-the-square). It is also possible to compute different types of resultant spectra, such as the "Maximum Direction Spectra" (RotD100 spectra). The RotD100 spectra are usually cumbersome to compute, but QuakeManager will compute them automatically and quickly.
Users can access the following links to access the video and animated image below: