This tool allows the user to compute the Spectral Values and Intensity Measures for one or multiple records. This can be achieved by selecting the desired record(s) and selecting the "Compute Sa & IM's" option in the Record Ribbon. Alternatively, the user can right-click on a collection in the GM Library, and choose the "Compute Sa & IM's" option.
This tool can be very useful in pre-calculating the spectra and IM's for large numbers of records, which then makes subsequent browsing, searching and selection and scaling of the records much faster.
It can also be used after importing a large number of records.
Compute Spectral Values
Compute the spectral acceleration, velocity and displacement of the selected records.
Recompute All Spectra
Force recomputing the Spectra even if previously calculated.
Recompute All IM's
Force recomputing the records' Intensity Measures even if already calculated. Users may view the resulting data in the Record Properties.
Include Parent Triplets of Selected Components
This option causes the the computation of Spectral Values, Intensity Measures or both of the parent Triplets of currently selected components.
Include Sibling Components of Selected Components
This option includes the Sibling Components of the selected Components in the evaluation of Spectral Values, Intensity Measures or both.
Include Child Components of Selected Triplets
This option includes the Child Components of the selected Triplets in the evaluation of Spectral Values, Intensity Measures or both.
Recompute Pulse
This option calculate the pulse parameters (period, score and azimuth) of pulse-like records for the selected records.