•Show record(s) as triplets or components: show/hide the records linked together under the Triplet or as separate Components
•Show/hide components: show/hide the record triplets. Note that this option is activated only in case the triplets are shown
•Set Trip from Comp: Set selected Triplet properties from selected Component
•Comp1: Show/hide the horizontal component (H1) of the record
•Comp2: Show/hide the horizontal component (H2) of the record
•Comp3: Show/hide the vertical component of the record
•Compute Sa and IM's: Calculate or Re-calculate the Spectral Acceleration (Sa) and Intensity Measures (IM's) for selected records
•Reload Records: Force read data series and metadata from files and re-compute Sa & IMs for the selected records. Note that if triplets are selected, QuakeManager will reloads their components.
•Calculate Pulse: Checks if are record is a pulse-like record, and calculates the pulse record parameters (PulseAz, Pulse score and pulse period)