Using the Import Metadata tool, the user can import the records and their associated properties (Mw, distance, station properties, etc.) from a CSV file. The import tool can be found under the Library Ribbon. Alternatively, the user can right click on any Collection in the Ground Motion Database Library and select Import Record Metadata from CSV.
Import File
Specify the location of the CSV file for import.
File Format
Select the file as: CSV or GML.
Lines to Skip
Specify the number of lines to skip at the beginning of the file.
File Type
Specify the file type as one of the supported options:
•One Triplet per Line. See attached example csv file (NGA_EXAMPLE-TRIPLETS.csv) illustrating the import of 9 NGA-West2 files, using one Triplet per line.
•One Component per Line. See attached example csv file (NGA_EXAMPLE-COMPONENTS.csv) illustrating the import of 9 NGA-West2 files, using one Component per line.
Target Collection
Specify the target collection where the records will be imported.
Missing Data Code
Where information or data is not available (e.g. FNFP, dSeism...), the user can replace the blank cell by a specific text (e.g. -999).
Click to import the records into the specified collection.
The "Import Metadata from csv" tool can be used to import ground motion records by importing a csv file containing the metadata of the records. There two options:
1."Import one Triplet per line" from csv
2."Import one Component per line" from csv
1. "Import one Triplet per line" from csv
See attached example csv file (NGA_EXAMPLE-TRIPLETS.csv) illustrating the import of 9 NGA-West2 files, using one Triplet per line.
•Each line includes information for a triplet and all its components.
•Variable names are generally the same as shown in the property grid. Some may be slightly off, but these will be corrected over time. So if you need a variable, you can look up its name in the record property grid, and read the help at the bottom to get more info.
•The first line in the csv file is the variable (database field) names. The second line is for units (for quantities). You can also instruct QuakeManager to skip a certain number of lines at the beginning of the file.
•Each line in the file represents a Triplet with up to 3 components.
•You can append a number (0, 1, 2, or 3) to the end of a variable to specify that it only applies to that particular component. Component 0 is simply the Triplet, component 1 is H1, component 2 is H2, and component 3 is vertical.
•Only a small number of fields are "required", and most are optional. Required (or highly recommended) fields to include are: Title, EventName, FolderDisk, FileDisk, and Collection.
•To perform the import, select a collection in the GM Library, and choose “Import Metadata” from the “Manage” ribbon.
2. "Import one Component per line" from csv
See attached example csv file (NGA_EXAMPLE-COMPONENTS.csv) illustrating the import of 9 NGA-West2 files, using one Component per line.
•This is similar to importing "one Triplet per line" except each line includes information for one component or triplet only.
•Using a component number (0,1,2,3) at the end of a variable name is NOT allowed.
•This method requires four lines to define a Triplet with 3 components while the previous method only requires one line.
•Only a small number of fields are "required", and most are optional. Required (or highly recommended) fields to include are: Title, EventName, FolderDisk, FileDisk, Collection, and TripletComp (0, 1, 2, 3).
•The main benefit of this method is that it is possible to import spectra values. This is usually not needed when the ground motion files are available, since QuakeManager can compute all spectra values automatically, but can be valuable when the spectra are available but the actual ground motion files are not (such as importing the flat files of the NGA database).
•For Triplets, if there is a need to import more than one resultant spectral value (e.g. SRSS and RotD100), then the whole Triplet line may be repeated twice with different spectra on each line.
•The following fields are needed In order to import spectral values: SpectraUnit, SpectraType, T0.01S, T0.02S, .... etc. Those fields are discussed further below under "Special Fields".
Special Fields
The "Import from csv" tool can be used to import any of the regular record fields. In addition to regular record fields, there are some special fields that can be used while importing from csv.
Those special fields generally relate to the Collection to which the record belongs. Here are the additional fields:
1.Collection: This is actually a record field. However, while importing from csv, it is possible to specify nested collection names such as "Collection1\Subcollection". QuakeManager will then create all necessary new collections (and subcollections).
2.CollectionPathDisk: The collection's PathDisk variable.
3.CollectionPathURL: The collection's PathURL variable.
4.CollectionRelativeDisk: Can be set to 1 (Relative) or 0 (Absolute). This is used to determine if the parent Collection's PathDisk is added to the current Collection's PathDisk.
5.CollectionRelativeURL: Same as "CollectionRelativeDisk" but for URL
6.CollectionInheritDisk: Can be set to 1 (Inherit) or 0 (Do not Inherit). This is used to determine if the collection's PathDisk is inherited from the parent Collection's PathDisk.
7.CollectionInheritURL: Same as "CollectionInheritDisk" but for URL
Figure: Collection Properties
Note that fields 2 to 7 above get assigned to newly created collections and not the ground motion record itself. If those fields are defined multiple times for the same collection (on different record lines), then only the first instance of each variable will be used. See the GM Library Collections page for more information on record Collection properties.
Another set of fields is required when spectral values need to be imported (when importing One Component per line, only). The spectra fields are as follows:
1.SpectraType: Acceptable values are "Comp" for individual components, maximum rotated spectra (RotD100), "SRSS", "GM", and other valid spectra types.
2.SpectraUnit: Use any acceptable acceleration units, such as "G", "cm/s2", "in/s2", "m/s2", etc.
3.Tx.xxxS: Column headings that define the period at which the spectral value is defined, such as "T0.010S", "T0.020S", ..., "T3.000S", ..., "T20.000S". 111 different period values are possible (same 111 period values defined in NGA). Use as many as needed to define the spectrum. Only the periods listed in the csv example file are valid. "Custom" period values are no supported.
Note that it is usually not necessary to import resultant spectral values that can be computed from the individual components such as "SRSS", "GM", etc, if the individual component spectra are being also defined. Note that the spectral values do not need to be imported, and can be directly calculated by QuakeManager if the ground motion history files are available.
Figure: Import Records from csv