Display individual spectra charts for each record. The following can be plotted:
•Component 1: add the resultant first horizontal component of the record
•Component 2: add the resultant second horizontal component of the record
•Component 3: add the vertical component of the record
•Target mu: Display the Mean of the target suite
•Target mu+sigma: Display the Mean of the target + Dispersion
•Target mu-sigma: Display the Mean of the target + Dispersion
•Peak Limit: Display the Suite Peaks Limit
•Valley Limits: Display the Suite Valleys Limit
The user can choose the spectra resultants to be included in the charts from the following options:
•Auto: Display the Bidir Type according to its target (if defined) automatically
•SRSS: Square root of the sum of the squares
•Geomean: Geometric mean
•RotD100: Maximum rotated component
•RotD50: Median rotated component
•RotD00: Minimum rotated component
•PSa/PSv/Sd: Display the Pseudo Spectral Acceleration, Velocity and Displacement chart on a single plot
•PSa: Plot the Pseudo Spectral Acceleration
•PSv: Plot the Pseudo Spectral Velocity
•Sd: Plot the Spectral Displacement
•ADRS: Plot the Acceleration Displacement Response Spectrum
•Target 1: Display the first target spectrum defined in either GM Search, GM Suite Selection or Spectral Matching
•Target 2: Display the second target spectrum defined in either GM Search, GM Suite Selection or Spectral Matching. Note that "Target 2" option is activated only if users selected the "Custom" match type in GM Suite Selection, “Bidirectional” match type with “H1 & H2” or “RotD100 & RotD00” Bidir Type, or “3-Components” match type in Spectral Matching
•Target 3: Display the first target spectrum defined in the GM Selection. Note that "Target 2" option is activated only if users selected the "Custom" match type in GM Suite Selection, “Bidirectional” match type with “H1 & H2” or “RotD100 & RotD00” Bidir Type, or “3-Components” match type in Spectral Matching
•Triplet Targets: Display individual targets for each triplet record
•Component Targets: Display individual targets for each component record
•Line Wt (Tgt): Select to use a thick line weight for the Triplet and Component Targets
Concerning the Spectra's Format, the following options are available:
•Plot each record on an individual figure: Create one chart for each component or triplet
•Plot Components on the same figure: Plot all components (of each triplet) on a one chart and the triplet on another chart
•Plot Components and Resultants on the same figure: Plot each triplet and its components' spectra resultants on a single chart
•Log X-axis: Displays the X-axis in the logarithmic scale
•Log Y-axis: Displays the Y-axis in the logarithmic scale
•Landscape Page: Export charts to a landscape layout page
•Original: Display the original ground motions as-recorded (pre-modification)
•Modified: Display the modified records post-modification (after scaling, selection or matching)
•Line Wt (Mod): Select to use a thick line weight for modified records