Records can be imported from a local source on the disk using the Import Records Tool. The import tool can be found under the Library Ribbon. Alternatively, the user can right click on any Record Suite in the Project Explorer or on any Collection in the Ground Motion Database Library and select Import Records. Note that the Import Records tool does not import the metadata of the files; it only imports the acceleration files. To import the metadata of the records, the user can use "Import Metadata" tool.
Select Files for Import
Add Files: select one or multiple records to add them
Add Folder: add entire records in a specific folder and subfolders. By default, QuakeManager will preserve the folder structure if users select "Add Folder" option.
Clear: delete all imported records to the tool. Note that if the user reselects different records, the previously selected list of records will be cleared and replaced by the new ones.
Note that an alternative method to import is select records from a folder and drag them to the Import Tool dialog (into the file list window).
Suite / Collection
Select a specific "Collection" or "Suite"
File Format
Specify the proper File Format of the imported record. In case the record File Format is unknown or varies, users can utilize the "Auto" option and QuakeManager will attempt to identify the correct File Format for each file
Message Window
After importing the records, users can check the identified Record File Format and the status of the import of each file in the Message Window. In case the record file format was not identified, QuakeManager, provides helpful debugging information for files that don't match the any of the file formats.
To import records, the user may select "Add Files" or "Add Folder" option. "Add Files" option allows users to select multiple files of interest from one folder, whereas "Add Folder" option select all records in the selected folder including records in the subfolders. By default, QuakeManager will preserve the folder structure if users select "Add Folder" option. Alternatively, the records may be selected from a folder and dragged to the Import Tool dialog (into the file list window).
The "Clear" option deletes all the records imported in the File list.
The imported records may be added either to a Collection or a Record Suite. A particular Suite/Collection may be specified to add the imported records into. In addition to that, users may specify the proper File Format of the imported record. In case the record File Format is unknown or varies, users can utilize the "Auto" option and QuakeManager will attempt to identify the correct File Format for each file. After importing the records, users can check the identified Record File Format and the status of the import of each file in the Message Window. In case the record file format was not identified, QuakeManager, provides helpful debugging information for files that don't match the any of the file formats.
•The "Clear" option deletes the current list of records from the list.
•If the user reselects different records, the previously selected list of records will be cleared and replaced by the new ones.
Figure : Import Records Dialog
Figure : Import records using "Add Files" option
Figure: Drag-Drop records into Import Tool Dialog
Example below explains the procedure of selecting and importing records. Four records were selected from a folder; these records will be imported to Record Suite 2. The "Auto" File Format option was used.
Figure :Selected Records and Defined Parameter to Import Records
QuakeManager automatically recognized the Records File Format and imported the selected Records to Record Suite 2.
Figure: Importing Records finished
Figure: Checking location of imported records