To start a new Project, select "New Project" from the File Menu or press (Ctrl+N).
The project pane (project tree) includes the list of commands that can be performed in QuakeManager (defining Target Spectra, Selection & Scaling, Spectral Matching and Record Suites).
Users may use the Project Ribbon or the Project Explorer to create or modify different types of objects:
1.Define an IBC Spectrum or a User-defined Spectrum.
2.Define the GM suite selection parameters and Fitting Criteria in GM Suite Selection Dialog.
3.Perform Spectral Matching.
4.Generate simulated artificial ground motions.
5.Perfrom Site Response Analysis.
6.Explore the generated ground motions.
7.Manage Record Suites
Define a site to lookup USGS Spectra.
GM Suite Selection
Define the ground motion suite selection parameters in the GM Suite Selection dialog.
GM Simulation
Generate simulated artificial bidirectional near-fault ground motion records using GM Simulation Module.